Differentiating Instruction: How to Plan Your Lessons

 In this video instructional expert Larry Ferlazzo and veteran teacher Katie Hull Sypnieski talk through the kinds of questions they ask themselves when planning a lesson for a multi-ability classroom. They answer teachers most common questions, such as “What will students do if they finish early?” and “How can the materials be modified to… Read More ›

Being Wrong Has Made Me a Better Teacher

In this blog article from Education Week Teacher  a middle school language arts teacher and curriculum coach discusses how she embraces mistakes. This veteran explores how she has grown in her understanding of her own teaching practices. She describes how she now looks for and relishes in mistakes and turns them into powerful learning experiences, using… Read More ›

Making Dream Group Work an Everyday Reality

Ask math teachers what their ideal classroom looks and sounds like, and they will probably tell you about that one magical unicorn lesson where students worked collaboratively in groups and engaged in authentic mathematical debates that led to deeper learning for all. What is so special about those elusive lessons where group work…well, worked? And how… Read More ›

Assessments Can Support, Not Just Measure, Student Learning

This article looks at the work being done by The Assessment for Learning Project to recognize assessment as a positive part of the learning process. The initiative, which has  awarded grants to 17 teams of education leaders at the school, district and state levels; advocates assessment systems that empower students, lead to greater equity and… Read More ›

Inquiry-Based Tasks in Social Studies

This article explores ways to foster deep learning in social studies classrooms. The author, a classroom teacher and instructional coach, discusses how to introduce inquiry-based tasks. He notes this approach can be used for explorations that are bigger than a lesson but smaller than a whole unit. Inquiry-based tasks may be a manageable way for… Read More ›

Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education

As states, districts and schools re-design education systems to move from more traditional approaches to a system focused on success for every student, the 16 design principles outlined in this book provide a cohesive framework that offers a set of guideposts for schools and districts. This book will be useful to all district leaders and educators working… Read More ›

Student-Driven Restorative Justice

This article looks at the restorative justice circles established by students at Grand Mesa Middle School in Grand Junction, Colorado. Student Council members at the school decided to focus on the introduction of restorative justice circles in response to surveys they administered that indicated  conflicts between students was a top concern for the student body.… Read More ›

Programming for Personalization: Using Computer Science Resources in Support of a Student-Centered Learning Environment

This e-guidebook provides a set of resources and strategies to help educators empower students to build digital literacy and computational thinking competencies across disciplines. It includes an overview of each resource, how that resource might support student-centered strategies, and examples of how to use the resource in a variety of classrooms. Resources include: Scratch Code Academy… Read More ›

Can Restorative Practices Improve School Climate and Curb Suspensions?

This report from the RAND Corporation looks at restorative practices. Many feel restorative practices can empower students by changing how discipline is enforced and by improving school climate by purposefully building relationships between students and adults as well as fellow students. This study of the implementation of a particular program which utilizes restorative practices in the… Read More ›

Frequently Asked Questions about Social-Emotional Learning

This FAQ provides a quick overview of SEL. It examines the definition of SEL and answers some basic questions about how it may be implemented and assessed in schools. This would be a great resource to share with parents at a school beginning an SEL program or to share with new parents at a school… Read More ›