10 Trends of Personalized Learning in 2017

This article shares predictions for 10 trends in personalized learning in 2017, based on research, reoccurring or most talked about topics, frameworks, and themes in the personalized learning sphere. It also shares analysis of why the trends are important to the landscape of learning. The idea of personalizing learning is not about creating one model… Read More ›

Under the Hood of Personalized Learning: A New Hampshire Teacher of the Year Explains

In this opinion piece, Kim Carter, a Students at the Center Distinguished Fellow, and 1996 New Hampshire Media Educator of the Year, describes the successful use of personalization at New Hampshire charter school MC2 School. The MC2 School places a high emphasis on building relationships inside and outside the classroom and creates opportunities for student-directed personal learning… Read More ›

LEAP Personalized Learning Framework

This tool, created by LEAP Innovations, is an interactive framework for personalized learning geared towards educators ready to embrace new teaching methods. LEAP Innovations set out to translate personalized learning concepts into concrete strategies. The framework, includes a deep dive into four key components of personalized learning; learner connected, learner focused, leaner demonstrated, and learner led. Also… Read More ›

The Shifting Paradigm of Teaching: Personalized Teaching According to Teachers

This report, based on interviews with teachers, instructional coaches and principals from KnowledgeWorks and the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) discusses how the shift to personalized learning has impacted teachers. It begins with an exploration of what drives educators to build personalized learning environments in the classroom. The report then details reflections from… Read More ›

Winooski Middle/High School Tackles Equity in Personalization

Lindsey Cox Headshot

As one of the schools participating in The Growing Equity Together Project, inspired by Sarah Bertucci’s Deeper Learning and Equity fellowship, we are nearing the end of our first continuous improvement cycle aimed at over time progressively supporting Winooski Middle/High School students in grades 6-9 to develop the confidence they need to be successful when… Read More ›

Beginning Your Journey to a More Learner-Centered Classroom

In this article on pages 7-10 in Issue 17 of Pioneer, Dr. Jim Rickabaugh, the Senior Advisor to the Institute for Personalized Learning and a former Superintendent, attempts to answer the question for teachers, “Where do I start?”. He suggests beginning with small changes in the classroom, starting with giving students more voice and choice… Read More ›

CBAM: Stages of Concern About Personalized Learning

This article introduces the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) which provides a structure for understanding and addressing the concerns of educators as they transition from more traditional to more student-centered, personalized learning. A simple chart identifies seven levels of readiness for adoption from “Awareness” which describes educators who are newly aware of the concepts of… Read More ›

Discipline Through a Personalized Learning Lens

This article, written by a former secondary school teacher, shares strategies for harnessing the fundamental principles of personalized learning to help with discipline. The author asserts that a disciplinary culture that uses a personalized learning lens may help transition schools away from punitive, zero-tolerance policies, and create more empowered and successful students. She makes several suggestions, such… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Rehumanizing Mathematics Education

This Research Collaborative Seminar questions: How can educators rehumanize mathematics learning and establish assessments that serve as both a window and a mirror? The featured presenter in this video is Dr. Rochelle Gutiérrez, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Research has demonstrated that well-designed personalized… Read More ›

What the Savviest School Administrators Know About Education Technology

This article discusses the challenge administrators face as they choose between a large array of ed technology for their schools. Administrators must take into consideration evidence of effectiveness, privacy, and time needed for training, amongst a host of other criteria when selecting technology to support personalized learning. The article outlines and provides links to a… Read More ›

Competency Education and Personalized Learning

This short video produced by KnowledgeWorks provides an introduction to the concepts and need for competency-based learning. The video discusses students’ learning differences and shows the potentially negative impact of the traditional system in which students can advance from grade to grade without mastering all the foundational skills they will need for the next grade… Read More ›

How Lobsters are Keeping Students in School

This article explores the move to a personalized learning program in one small rural community in Maine. Deer Isle-Stonington High School was struggling with one of the highest dropout rates in the state, losing many students early to the lobster fishing industry that is the life-blood of the town. A school improvement plan, begun in… Read More ›