6 Steps to Ensuring ILPs Better Support Inclusive Personalized Learning

In this article, authors Ace Parsi and Curtis Richards highlight the importance of individualized learning plans (ILPs) to increase engagement in school, especially for students with disabilities. Research shows that when implemented well, ILPs can lead to stronger academic goal-setting, self-efficacy, and motivation. The authors recommend the following key actions to ensure students with disabilities fully… Read More ›

The Workshop Model with Learning Community Charter School Middle School

This podcast episode features a conversation with LCCS middle school teachers Erin O’Neil, Domenique Rossi, Cathy Huang and Director Josh Johnson discussing how to implement the workshop model in literacy, math and science classrooms to achieve deeper, personalized, authentic and student-owned learning. In the Student-Centered Learning Podcast, Arthur Eduardo Baraf – SCL Research Collaborative Distinguished Fellow- shares… Read More ›

Ladder of Feedback for Classroom Observation

Making Learning Visible is a Project Zero initiative that adapted Daniel Wilson’s “Ladder of Feedback” for classroom observations. The “Ladder of Feedback” is a protocol or structure that establishes a culture of trust and support by sequencing feedback in an order that is constructive. This wiki page provides a summary, template, and guide for using… Read More ›

Character Lab

Character Lab is a nonprofit organization founded to research and create new ways to help all students develop character. While research suggests character is important to academic and life success, little is known about cultivating it. This site includes links to several playbooks with lesson plans, videos, and activities to help students learn character-building strategies… Read More ›

How to Ease Students Into Independent Inquiry Projects

This post is an excerpt from the book, Inquiry Mindsets: Nurturing the Dreams, Wonders, and Curiosities of Our Youngest Learners. Trevor MacKenzie first describes a powerful passion-based, free inquiry project completed by an introverted student in his H.S. English course. Next he describes the type of scaffolding students need in order to take on such inquiry projects.… Read More ›

Restorative Justice: Resources for Schools

This resource page focuses on restorative justice practices. This student-centered approach to discipline moves away from punitive zero tolerance discipline policies and gives students more agency and responsibility for their actions. Restorative justice can contribute to a positive school climate and build students’ social and emotional skills. This resource page provides a clear definition, case… Read More ›

Frequently Asked Questions About Competency-Based Education

This resource was designed to help district and school leaders communicate effectively about personalized learning with a variety of stake holders in many different settings. It provides answers in plain language to a a list of commonly asked questions such as: Will students spend their whole day on a tablet or computer? What role does… Read More ›

Students LEAD

This online course was designed for high school students by the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University to help them understand and advocate for their own learning needs.  Specifically, the course will help students: Understand their own learning and learning differences Develop and apply strategies to strengthen their own learning Gain strategies for… Read More ›

Kettle Moraine’s Approach to Personalized Learning

This series of articles provides an in-depth look at how personalization works in Kettle Moraine School District in Wisconsin. Articles cover the history of the shift to personalized learning in the district, pillars of teaching and learning, professional development for teachers, and distributed leadership, amongst other topics. Read all together, these articles provide a look… Read More ›

ESSA and Personalized Learning: State by State

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides states with significant flexibility to advance personalized learning and improve equitable outcomes for students. This resource highlights emerging ideas as states leverage this flexibility through their implementation plans. The interactive map shows states that have released their plans for public comment and provides a summary of the personalized… Read More ›

Disengagement Problems Disguised as Discipline Problems

In this article, a long-time principal discusses her school’s work to decrease behavior incidents by increasing student engagement. The school created an Incident Reduction Plan which included efforts to deescalate incidents as well identify and change punitive policies and practices that inadvertently contributed to incidents. The staff recognized that many incidents were the result of… Read More ›

High Tech High Network Profile

At High Tech High schools in San Diego, students are evaluated on mastery of content-not time spent in class. Students engage in multi-disciplinary and field-based learning opportunities to build skills like critical thinking, problem solving and communication. Each teacher works to develop a personalized school culture, which is supported externally by a network of community… Read More ›