National Youth Leadership Council

This organization works to promote service learning in schools across the country. Through service-learning projects, students apply academic skills and knowledge to a real community need, accelerating student achievement by strengthening academic, civic, and character outcomes. To achieve this goal they develop student leadership, encouraging student voice for meaningful change; support educators with customized professional development… Read More ›

Generator School Network

The online community, managed by the National Youth Leadership Council, is for educators and youth interested in service-learning experiences that allow students to apply classroom knowledge and skills to a real world community need. This free resource includes a large number of tools, research, and online learning communities. Of particular interest is the Generator, a… Read More ›

Restorative Justice: A Different Approach to Discipline

This article, from a teacher’s perspective, provides an overview of the rise of restorative practices in schools. It then discusses how one teacher works with students to build a respect agreement in the classroom. The same teacher discusses how using restorative discipline practices in the classroom helps her build relationships with students and allows them… Read More ›

The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions

This research report, published in 2011, is a frequently cited document in the field of social-emotional learning (SEL). The study looked at 213 school-based SEL programs designed for students in kindergarten through high school. Compared to controls, students who participated in these SEL programs demonstrated improved social and emotional skills, attitudes, behavior, and academic performance.… Read More ›

School Counselors Embrace Social Emotional Learning

This article asserts that social emotional learning can provide a unifying vision, structure, processes, and assessment tools to assist school counselors in becoming effective change agents in their schools. The article describes a case study in which counselors helped teachers complete a social emotional intelligence survey, reviewing their own social emotional competencies and comparing them… Read More ›

Six Seconds: Emotional Intelligence Network

This organization is committed to helping people improve emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to tune in, connect, and respond. The organization offers training and tools to measure and improve EQ. Six Seconds The Emotional Intelligence Network offers measurement tools, applications, games, and organizational metrics to better understand emotional strengths and weaknesses. Of interest is the The… Read More ›

American School Counselors Association

This organization, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), represents professional school counselors in all school settings from elementary to college campuses. ASCA focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs and researching effective school counseling practices. The website includes Position Statements on a variety of topics relevant to counselors. The site provides many resources for… Read More ›

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student

This set of standards from the American School Counselors Association describes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes students need to achieve academic success, college and career readiness, and social/emotional development. The standards draw from a wide array of educational research, best practices, and existing standards. The 35 standards are divided into mindsets and behaviors counselors should… Read More ›

The Librarians Active Learning Institute at Dartmouth College

The Librarians Active Learning Institute (LALI) is a two-day institute held yearly at Dartmouth College. The institute works to help teaching librarians develop and refine their skills as learner-centered teachers, instructional designers, and collaborators. Participants spend two days exploring evidence-based practices that maximize student learning, and they come away with new approaches and ideas to… Read More ›

Instructional Strategies for Library and Information Professionals

This online course was designed as a graduate course offered at Indiana University-Indianapolis, but all of the online videos and class materials are available free to anyone wishing to learn more about information inquiry and learner-centered instructional strategies. The course is divided into 15 sessions. Each session includes a 15- to 20-minute recorded presentation and… Read More ›