Assessment in 21st-Century Classrooms

This free online learning course is designed for teachers to learn more about assessing 21st century skills. The course follows three teachers to see what assessment of 21st century skills looks like in action. It examines the ways purpose influences assessment choices and which instruments and methods to use. It also explores how to embed… Read More ›

PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships: An Implementation Guide

This guide introduces the six standards for family-school partnerships developed by the National Parent Teacher Association. The standards, welcoming all families, communicating, supporting student success, speaking up for every child, sharing power, and community collaboration, are described in detail along with vignettes of local success stories. For each of the six standards the guide also… Read More ›

Parents SEE

This 12-week leadership program is for parents in Connecticut. Participants learn how to become partners with schools in developing policies and programs to increase student success. Participants of the Parents Supporting Educational Excellence (Parents SEE) program focuses on training to become actively involved in governance and policy development at the school, district, and state levels as community… Read More ›

Parent School Partnership Program (MALDEF)

This program established in 1989 by the MALDEF trains parents to become leaders and change agents in their community. The 12-session training covers topics that introduce parents to the school system such as parents rights and responsibilities, parent/teacher partnerships, how the school and district function, and the path to postsecondary education. It also covers leadership skills such… Read More ›

ASPIRA Parents for Educational Excellence

Since 1961 ASPIRA has been dedicated to improving the education and leadership opportunities for Puerto Rican and Latino youth. ASPIRA has state associate programs in 8 states, including Connecticut, Delaware, and Massachusetts, and works with partner CBOs across the country. In addition to their youth development programs, they also offer a parent leadership program, ASPIRA… Read More ›

A Guide for Parents: Helping Your Child Succeed in School

This short guide, developed in 2006, provides parents with tips to support their children’s learning. It addresses relationships, routine, and expectations at home as well as the parent/school interactions that support academic development such as communication, participation in activities, and support for homework. Note: The guide also offers advice on how to understand No Child Left… Read More ›

A Parents Guide to 21st Century Learning

This short guide introduces parents to 21st century learning in all grade levels. Through short vignettes it provides examples of what classrooms today look like at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. In particular it explores how the skills of collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking are taught alongside content at each age level.… Read More ›

Student Voice Collaborative

This organization works in NYC to support student involvement in school change. Students from 16 schools come together to support each other and build the skills they identified in effective community leaders, such as speaking and listening, conducting sound research, collaborating and organizing, solving problems fairly and with flexibility, and understanding school systems. One research… Read More ›

Meaningful Student Involvement: Guide to Students as Partners in School Change

This guide outlines how student involvement can be truly meaningful. SoundOut believes by engaging students as education planners, researchers, teachers, evaluators, decision-makers and advocates, they can become partners in the change process in the school and district. This guide begins by introducing the elements of meaningful involvement and key characteristics of schools with this authentic… Read More ›

EdSurge EdTech Index

This index includes hundreds of education technology products. Users can search products by filtering a number of categories including “audience,” “cost,” and “tech requirements.” The EdSurge EdTech Index provides overviews and reviews (based on interviews with educators) on a number of products. Source Organization: EdSurge Visit the Resource

Turn Up the Volume: The Students Speak Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help any school or district conduct focus group research with students to learn their opinions about school and learning experiences. It provides detailed steps of the process to select a working team made up of adults and students, choose your research topic, plan the logistics, facilitate the focus groups, and… Read More ›