Growing Into The Framework: A District’s CBE Implementation Strategy

This article shares five phases of implementation of competency-based education, using the Mesa County Valley School District 51‘s (D51) first year of implementation to illustrate the process. The phases include: Laying the foundation Supporting effective practices Building performance-based system Beginning personalized learning Refining our system Information tables include detailed steps to achieve the phase and outline what needs… Read More ›

Cutting Through the Confusion of Individualized Learning

Individualized learning is one of the major areas of concentration within personalized learning and requires significant changes to school as we know it, moving from a seat-time model to one focused on true competency. In this introduction to individualized learning, Gene Kerns, Ed.D. will address the following questions: What are the three major components of… Read More ›

Equity Snapshot: The Intersection of Mastery & Culturally Responsive Education

This working brief looks at the intersection between culturally responsive education (CRE) and competency education. It was developed by the Mastery Collaborative (MC), a group of over 40 New York City schools committed to mastery-based education. In their second year, the community of practitioners focused on the development of equity and CRE as core values. Read more about… Read More ›

Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified

This toolkit provides support for schools looking to transition to a proficiency-based system. It focuses on the development of efficient standards-based systems that will prepare all students for success in colleges, careers, and communities of the 21st century. The toolkit outlines 10 key components of an efficient proficiency-based system and introduces the Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified… Read More ›

Materiales en Español/ Spanish Language Resources

The Great Schools Partnership, a nonprofit school-support organization working to redesign public education, has developed a toolkit for school and district leaders to support transition to a proficiency-based system. A section titled ‘Materiales en Español/ Spanish Language Resources’ includes a number of tools translated into Spanish. The following may be of particular interest: Aprendizaje basado en… Read More ›

Empowering Advocates for Educational Transformation

Close Up of Microphone

This was originally posted by Nellie Mae Education Foundation on Medium on April 4, 2017 . Introducing the 2017 Nellie Mae Education Foundation Speakers Bureau All too often, those most directly involved in and affected by our education system are ignored or silenced. At the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, we believe that these voices are… Read More ›

An Overview of K-12 Competency-Based Education for Education Leaders and Teachers

The concept behind competency education is simple: learning is best measured by students demonstrating mastery of learning targets with the supports they need, rather than the number of hours spent in a classroom with variable amounts of actual learning. However, the definition of competency education is often misunderstood or misused. In this webinar competency education… Read More ›

Unconscious Bias in the Classroom: Evidence and Opportunities

This report looks at the contribution of unconscious bias (UB) to the troubling achievement gap for women and minority students, especially in Computer Science and STEM courses. The report indicates that exposure to UB can change stereotyped groups’ behaviors to conform to the stereotype, even when it was initially untrue. It details existing research studies… Read More ›

S’Cool Tools

Each week, EdSurge features 2-3 of the latest education technology tools developed for schools and learning. Many of the tools have been recommended for inclusion by teachers. Posts include a short description, information about pricing, and links to additional articles often written by teachers who have used the tool. Many of the tools featured are free… Read More ›

Next Gen Tools: Hiring for Mindset

Hiring for Mindset describes a strategy used by Da Vinci Schools, a Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) breakthrough model school, to hire teachers that will contribute to a culture of innovation that supports personalized, blended learning for students. The strategy involves a group planning exercise, sample teaching session, student-led school tours, and parent interviews to help assess candidates… Read More ›

Deeper Learning 2017

DL2017 is the 5th annual gathering of powerful educators focused on creating more opportunities for students to learn deeply. Learn More Here. Why attend Deeper Learning 2017? You are an educator who cares deeply about preparing students for college and the careers of tomorrow. You want students thinking critically, collaborating, doing and making. You want… Read More ›

The Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheet Series

These four Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheets discuss RI state policies that support and/or limit the spread of student-centered learning practices, highlight best practices, and provide recommendations for expanding and strengthening student-centered learning in RI. Each of the four fact sheets aligns with each of the principles of student-centered learning outlined in the Students at the Center framework:… Read More ›