S’Cool Tools

Each week, EdSurge features 2-3 of the latest education technology tools developed for schools and learning. Many of the tools have been recommended for inclusion by teachers. Posts include a short description, information about pricing, and links to additional articles often written by teachers who have used the tool. Many of the tools featured are free… Read More ›

Next Gen Tools: Hiring for Mindset

Hiring for Mindset describes a strategy used by Da Vinci Schools, a Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) breakthrough model school, to hire teachers that will contribute to a culture of innovation that supports personalized, blended learning for students. The strategy involves a group planning exercise, sample teaching session, student-led school tours, and parent interviews to help assess candidates… Read More ›

Deeper Learning 2017

DL2017 is the 5th annual gathering of powerful educators focused on creating more opportunities for students to learn deeply. Learn More Here. Why attend Deeper Learning 2017? You are an educator who cares deeply about preparing students for college and the careers of tomorrow. You want students thinking critically, collaborating, doing and making. You want… Read More ›

The Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheet Series

These four Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheets discuss RI state policies that support and/or limit the spread of student-centered learning practices, highlight best practices, and provide recommendations for expanding and strengthening student-centered learning in RI. Each of the four fact sheets aligns with each of the principles of student-centered learning outlined in the Students at the Center framework:… Read More ›

Communications Planning for Innovation in Education

This guide was designed to help districts build support for personalized learning through the development of a communications plan to reach a variety of stakeholders. The guide lays out clear steps within four key phases of communications planning: planing and aligning, looking at your foundations, designing your plan, and reflecting. Each section includes short profiles of… Read More ›

Course Access: Improving Student Access to Advanced Coursework

Many students, especially those from underserved communities, face significant inequities in access to the courses needed for success in college and careers. Course access is a promising response which provides public school students with expanded course offerings across diverse learning environments and accountable providers. Through programs like this students can gain equitable access to a variety of courses in a… Read More ›

SXSWedu Resource RoundUp

Last week, some of us from the Students at the Center team traveled to SXSWedu, an annual conference that draws thousands from the education and technology fields to discuss education challenges and solutions. Three keynotes and over 20 sessions later, we heard speakers and panelists –educators and education professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and policymakers –bring the… Read More ›

Leading for Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs

This report from The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and The Aspen Education & Society Program outlines concrete steps states can take to support equity in education. After short sections on the definition of equity and the reasons it matters, the guide lays out ten steps state education agencies can take. These recommendations… Read More ›

ASCD Empower17

The ASCD Empower17 conference has been redesigned by educators, for educators. It will bring together teachers, principals, instructional coaches, superintendents, and other educators. The conference has been set up to empower participants to create their own personalized professional learning experience. Content will focus on supporting the whole child. Keynote and special session speeches, interactive panel… Read More ›

EdWeek Leaders To Learn From

At this all day event, Education Week will recognize bold school-system leaders who will share how they brought about change in their districts. Every year, Education Week identifies some of the nation’s most exceptional school district leaders, and shines a spotlight on their impact in a “Leaders to Learn From” special report. Through registration for video… Read More ›

Deeper Learning—for Teachers

This article discusses project-based learning for teacher professional development. It details the PD project conducted by teachers and coaching teams at Puxi Middle School in Shanghai, China. Together they worked to develop a shared curriculum and better align content with standards. The author shares how they developed protocols to improve units, projects, and performance tasks in their… Read More ›

7 Tips for Planning a Makerspace

This article offers seven practical tips for creating a makerspace using examples from experts who share insights on planning and execution. Makerspaces are informal workshop environments where students can invent, tinker, and build to increase exposure to STEM subjects and technical disciplines. Topics include ideas to establish a maker culture and involve other stakeholders. This article… Read More ›