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Assessment Resources Bundle

Since the Students at the Center (SATC) research paper Assessing Learning was released, the literature on student-centered assessment practices has continued to grow. More and more, schools, districts, and states are using assessment as an opportunity for growth and learning, as well as a way to elevate student voice and leadership.

This selection of resources includes articles, examples, and tools to help educators implement four types of classroom assessments that embrace the values of student-centered learning: self-assessment, peer assessment, portfolios, and exhibitions.

To learn more about the assessment systems needed at the district and state levels to support these classroom practices, check out 10 Principles for Building a High-Quality System of Assessments.

Self-assessment puts students in the driver seat and focuses attention on learning and growth. Through self-assessment students identify strengths and weaknesses in their own work and revise accordingly. Students compare their work to clear standards and generate feedback for themselves about where they need to make improvements.

The resources below provide a great introduction to self-assessment. They include:

  • Ideas to help students assess and manage their own learning
  • Examples of students using rubrics to self assess and tips for creating them
  • A look at students breaking down standards and co-creating rubrics
  • Tips for using technology to engage students in assessment


SATC Self-Assessment Guide
This short guide provides a detailed description of self-assessment and simple steps to implement in the classroom in support of student-centered learning. It includes sample rubrics and checklists.

Student-Centered Assessment Video Resources
These videos produced by SATC, in conjunction with Dr. Heidi Andrade, Ed.D. and the students and teachers from IS 223 (Brooklyn, New York), show student-centered assessment in practice. The first, second, and fourth videos feature self-assessment.

Developing “Assessment Capable” Learners
This article explores how to cultivate “assessment-capable learners” who are aware of their own progress and can navigate their learning paths. The authors provide examples of classroom practices to encourage, such as building motivation, goal setting, self-regulation, and feedback capabilities.

Mid-Project Rubric Review
In this video of a high school math class, students conduct self-analysis through a mid-project rubric review. They evaluate their current work on a project and discuss their progress with peers.

Authentic Assessments Video Playlist: Quality Assessment Rubric Video
These videos showcase formative assessment in action. Of particular interest is the video, “Quality Evidence Rubrics”, which features middle school math students using a rubric to self-assess. The rubric is included as a resource.

5 of the Best Rubric Making Tools for Teachers
This blog article describes five online tools to help any teacher create their own rubrics. It also provides links to additional resources to learn more about rubrics.

How Do We Teach Kids to Assess Themselves?
This article provides tips and links to online tools to help any teacher start using self-assessment in their classroom. It includes a detailed section on rubrics. In addition it covers the use of portfolios, data notebooks, and graphic organizers for self-assessment.

Mom, Can You Pleeeease Record Me?
This article provides tips for using video for formative assessment. Video can be harnessed to help students demonstrate learning, track progress, and solicit feedback.The article also discusses how students can use video to self-assess noncognitive competencies such as effective communication.

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