Paper Tweets Build SEL Skills

In this article, an ELA teacher shares a strategy that can be used to build positive classroom culture and SEL skills or applied as a formative assessment technique. The author shares how she used the structure of twitter to engage students in a public written conversation, creating a “paper twitter board” on her classroom wall.… Read More ›

How Podcasts Can Improve Literacy

This article, written by a veteran educator, describes how podcasts can be used as a strategy to boost literacy. This teacher found that listening to podcasts and ready transcripts helped English Language Learners is his class, and that all his students benefited. Bringing podcasts and transcripts into the classroom is also an easy and low-cost… Read More ›

Learning Strategies as Metacognitive Factors: A Critical Review

This report provides an introduction to learning strategies. In many student-centered classrooms the use of “learning strategies” to support student growth and learning is replacing the practice of teaching to different “learning styles”. This report looks at metacognitive learning strategies, self-regulatory strategies, and task-oriented techniques. It discusses how to develop these in the classroom. It… Read More ›

Case Study: Lindsay High School Transforms Learning for English Language Learners with Personalized, Competency-Based Education in California

This article features Lindsay High School, which implemented a competency-based education model that focuses on advancing student mastery and student agency. In addition, this resource contains the links to a series of blogs that highlight different promising practices for teaching and learning for ELLs. Each case study addresses core principles for next-generation learning for ELL… Read More ›

Project-Based Learning with Agile Project Management

In this live session, participants will be able to learn more about how they can use Agile Project Management to make project-based learning even more powerful for students. Agile Project Management is a strategy widely used by modern businesses across the STEAM sectors. The Agile approach places a high value on individuals, collaboration, and the ability… Read More ›

Envisioning the Graduate of the Future

This course was developed by MIT with support from the XQ Institute, to help school communities rethink what a high school graduate will need to know and be able to do. The course will explore how to design a graduate profile, the artifact that communicates these ideas. Making explicit the capabilities, knowledge, and attitudes graduates need and… Read More ›

Satellite Podcast

Sat·el·lite /sadlˌīt/ noun An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication. ASTRONOMY. A celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet. Orbiting from on-site locations, Satellite examines innovative educational perspectives. Dr. Frank LaBanca, principal of Westside Middle School Academy and Students at… Read More ›

Communicating Personalized Learning to Families and Stakeholders: Terminology, Tools and Tips for Success

This white paper is a guide to creating informative conversations and preventing miscommunication about personalized learning. It is based on research around how communications impact stakeholders’ impression of personalized learning – both negatively and positively. Educators and school leaders will appreciate the specific tips such as ideas on how to best approach communication with various… Read More ›

Levers and Logic Models: A Framework to Guide Research and Design of High-Quality Competency-Based Education Systems

In this CompetencyWorks report, authors Chris Sturgis and Katherine Casey present logic models that are intended to help researchers and practitioners understand the critical components of competency-based education at multiple levels of practice. Logic models are tools used to conceptualize organizations, programs or strategies to bring about change and to support the evaluation of effectiveness.… Read More ›

Lessons from Teachers of the Year

This vast list of videos showcases lessons from teachers across the country. The ‘Lessons from Teachers of the Year’ series is a partnership between Google for Education and CCSSO that aims to elevate the teaching profession and capture the thinking of some of the United States’ best educators. These videos were designed to help fellow… Read More ›

Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice

The Midwest Comprehensive Center at American Institutes for Research, with the help of What Works Clearinghouse House reviewers, has released a new resource on student goal setting to support state departments of education who are interested in promoting evidence-based personalized and deeper learning strategies by districts/schools in their states. The act of goal setting is a… Read More ›