Next Gen Tools: Personalized Learning Plans and Learner Profiles

This innovation brief describes the use of Learner Profiles and Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs) at three schools and outlines the advantages and challenges of these two strategies. Learner Profiles are used to collect information about each student’s learning styles, strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Learning Plans lay out students goals. Students take an active role in the… Read More ›

Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified

This toolkit provides support for schools looking to transition to a proficiency-based system. It focuses on the development of efficient standards-based systems that will prepare all students for success in colleges, careers, and communities of the 21st century. The toolkit outlines 10 key components of an efficient proficiency-based system and introduces the Proficiency-Based Learning Simplified… Read More ›

Personalized Learning in New York

This report looks at early results from Education Element’s work in NY state, since 2013, to design, implement, and support personalized learning.  Education Elements provides consultation services, technical assistance, and tools to help districts implement personalized learning. At the time of this report, 16 districts and two Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) across NY have… Read More ›

Materiales en Español/ Spanish Language Resources

The Great Schools Partnership, a nonprofit school-support organization working to redesign public education, has developed a toolkit for school and district leaders to support transition to a proficiency-based system. A section titled ‘Materiales en Español/ Spanish Language Resources’ includes a number of tools translated into Spanish. The following may be of particular interest: Aprendizaje basado en… Read More ›

Relationships Bloom When Students Are Seen and Heard

This article, written by educators in Cherry Hill Public Schools in New Jersey, makes a case for the importance of  student voice, and discusses how their district amplifies it. Some of these tips include starting activities like student-led town hall meetings, and establishing strong relationships through positive recognition programs. The article also shares feedback on how… Read More ›

How Baltimore CPS Used Communications Strategies to Create Personalized Learning Buy-In

This article explores how Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS), prioritized and designed a communications strategy to bring together students, teachers, and families around personalized learning. By working to build authentic relationships, their communications strategy went beyond just sharing updates with families and teachers. In addition, BCPS used stories of both triumphs and failures to make communication about… Read More ›

Unconscious Bias in the Classroom: Evidence and Opportunities

This report looks at the contribution of unconscious bias (UB) to the troubling achievement gap for women and minority students, especially in Computer Science and STEM courses. The report indicates that exposure to UB can change stereotyped groups’ behaviors to conform to the stereotype, even when it was initially untrue. It details existing research studies… Read More ›

Let’s Celebrate Personalization: But Not Too Fast

This article, from Educational Leadership Magazine, is an illuminating probe to reassesses what personalized learning truly means. It discusses what a shift to personalization will actually take in terms of mindsets, resources and time.  It explores provoking questions such as: How will old and new paradigms coexist? What supports will teachers need? What aspects of your educational… Read More ›

S’Cool Tools

Each week, EdSurge features 2-3 of the latest education technology tools developed for schools and learning. Many of the tools have been recommended for inclusion by teachers. Posts include a short description, information about pricing, and links to additional articles often written by teachers who have used the tool. Many of the tools featured are free… Read More ›

Next Gen Tools: Hiring for Mindset

Hiring for Mindset describes a strategy used by Da Vinci Schools, a Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) breakthrough model school, to hire teachers that will contribute to a culture of innovation that supports personalized, blended learning for students. The strategy involves a group planning exercise, sample teaching session, student-led school tours, and parent interviews to help assess candidates… Read More ›

The Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheet Series

These four Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheets discuss RI state policies that support and/or limit the spread of student-centered learning practices, highlight best practices, and provide recommendations for expanding and strengthening student-centered learning in RI. Each of the four fact sheets aligns with each of the principles of student-centered learning outlined in the Students at the Center framework:… Read More ›

Course Access: Improving Student Access to Advanced Coursework

Many students, especially those from underserved communities, face significant inequities in access to the courses needed for success in college and careers. Course access is a promising response which provides public school students with expanded course offerings across diverse learning environments and accountable providers. Through programs like this students can gain equitable access to a variety of courses in a… Read More ›