State Policy & K-12 Competency-Based Education
This issue brief from iNACOL offers advice for state leaders who want to support policy for K-12 competency-based education. The brief includes background on the development of and an overview of competency, sometimes called mastery-based education. It features a series of recommendations for state policy-makers hoping to stimulate a shift towards competency-based education or nurture… Read More ›
The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Student Success
This short research brief and accompanying video, produced by the UChicago Consortium on School Research, highlight some of the big ideas from their research on noncognitive factors. It outlines the importance of the following five factors to student success in the classroom and beyond and examines the importance of student’s environments in the development of these factors… Read More ›
Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Support Matters
This report, developed by Equity Alliance, discusses ways to make the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model more culturally responsive. In contrast to punitive disciplinary models, PBIS uses prevention, data-based decisions making, and research-based interventions to nurture positive student and adult behaviors. Race-based disparities in discipline and behavioral outcomes is a continuous issue in schools… Read More ›
Next Generation Learning Models for English Language Learners: Promising Practices and Considerations for Teaching and Learning
This paper highlights trends to advance learning for English language learner (ELL) students. It outlines promising practices and considerations for designing ideal learning environments for ELL success and features case studies and examples from schools and programs creating personalized, competency-based learning environments for ELL students. This paper will interest educators and education leaders who want… Read More ›
Welcoming Schools Starter Kit
This brief, Welcoming Schools: An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Family Diversity, Gender Stereotyping and Name-Calling outlines a comprehensive, LGBTQ-inclusive approach to creating respectful and supportive elementary schools for all students and their families. Developed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, it includes many resources, tips, and strategies such as: A checklist for a welcoming and inclusive… Read More ›
Technology in Education: An Overview
This brief from Education Week provides an overview of the big trends, opportunities, and concerns associated with classroom technology. As technology is used more and more to support learning, the list of trends to follows continues to grow. Topics covered include: Personal and blended learning The evolution of online testing Open education resources Digital resources in… Read More ›
Equity Snapshot: The Intersection of Mastery & Culturally Responsive Education
This working brief looks at the intersection between culturally responsive education (CRE) and competency education. It was developed by the Mastery Collaborative (MC), a group of over 40 New York City schools committed to mastery-based education. In their second year, the community of practitioners focused on the development of equity and CRE as core values. Read more about… Read More ›
The Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheet Series
These four Student-Centered Learning Fact Sheets discuss RI state policies that support and/or limit the spread of student-centered learning practices, highlight best practices, and provide recommendations for expanding and strengthening student-centered learning in RI. Each of the four fact sheets aligns with each of the principles of student-centered learning outlined in the Students at the Center framework:… Read More ›
RI Personalized Learning Initiative
The Rhode Island (RI) Personalized Learning Initiative was launched in September 2016 by the Rhode Island Office of Innovation with the Rhode Island Department of Education, Highlander Institute, and other partners. It supports educators and administrators statewide in the development, piloting, and growth of new models for personalized learning; and facilitates the sharing of best practices and… Read More ›
Teaching the Whole Child: Instructional Practices That Support Social-Emotional Learning in Three Teacher Evaluation Frameworks
This research-to-practice brief explores teaching practices that promote social-emotional learning (SEL) and positive learning environments. The author begins with an overview of SEL and discusses action steps policymakers and educators can take to support it. Next, the brief provides an overview of 10 teaching practices that encourage the development of SEL. These practices were identified… Read More ›
Looking Under the Hood of Competency-Based Education
American Institutes for Research (AIR) recently released Looking Under the Hood of Competency-Based Education: The Relationship Between Competency-Based Education Practices and Students’ Learning Skills, Behaviors and Dispositions. This is one of the first valuable studies we have had looking at the impact of competency-based education. The Framework of Learning Skills, Behaviors, and Disposition AIR created… Read More ›
Seizing the Moment: Realizing the Promise of Student-Centered Learning
This policy brief presents a series of recommendations for building public will in support of student-centered learning, including policy priorities that can help to expand its practices more broadly at the local, state, and federal level. It incorporates profiles of schools and programs which illustrate the power of student-centered learning in action. A growing body… Read More ›