Deeper Learning For Every Student Every Day

What is Deeper Learning? What does it look like in the classroom? Does it cost more? Can it only be done in high-performing districts or by all-star teachers? This paper highlights Deeper Learning practices in 20 schools across the country before taking on 7 common myths about students, teachers, and schools. Visit the Resource →

Mobility, Connection, Support: Nudging Learners to Better Results

Neuroscience research tells us that the adolescent brain is still developing beyond the teenage years, but what does this mean for student motivation and engagement? The University of Washington Tacoma, in partnership with Persistence Plus, explores the use of mobile “nudging” to help students succeed and persist in post-secondary education. Visit the Resource →

What Parents Want: Education Preferences and Trade-offs

This groundbreaking study finds that nearly all parents seek schools with a solid core curriculum in reading and math, an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, and the development in students of good study habits, strong critical thinking skills, and excellent verbal and written communication skills. But some parents also prefer specializations… Read More ›

Neuroeducation: 25 Findings Over 25 Years

informED celebrates the 25th anniversary of the emergence of the field of neuroeducation with a list of the most significant findings in neuroscience education of the past 25 years. Be sure to check out the interactive learning strategies 3D brain map and the related Students at the Center Brainy Approaches to Learning infographic. Read Neuroeducation:… Read More ›

Lasting Impact: A Business Leader’s Playbook for Supporting America’s Schools

This booklet from the Harvard Business School examines how America’s business leaders do, and should, support the nation’s educators, our educational system, and ultimately our students. Researchers start with the “do” question: in the past and today, how do business leaders engage with education? Included are examples drawn from across the country and from diverse… Read More ›

Anytime, Anywhere: Student-Centered Learning for Schools and Teachers

Order now >   Anytime, Anywhere: Student-Centered Learning for Schools and Teachers (Harvard Education Press, 2013) synthesizes existing research and practices in the emerging field of student-centered learning, and includes profiles of schools that have embraced this approach. Educators have argued that students should be at the center of learning, constructing new knowledge based on what… Read More ›

Building Skills for Independent Learning

Informative Article from ASCD’s Putting Students at the Center feature that suggests three strengths teachers should seek to develop in their students so that they can assume more responsibility as learners: self-regulation, persistence, and collaboration. Visit the Resource →

Personalization in Schools

This paper examines how enhanced adult-youth relationships lead to increased student engagement, youth development and academic performance. It highlights the particular importance of personalization efforts for at-risk populations and non-traditional students and explores technical aspects of implementing personalization in schools. Personalization in secondary education supports student-centered learning and takes place through a variety of relational… Read More ›