Community Learning Walks

This short 2-minute video documents a community learning walk at a high school in Meriden, CT that is implementing many student-centered approaches. It includes footage of educators interacting with business and community members as they tour classrooms at the school. It also features interviews and clips from the debriefing section highlighting key takeaways from their… Read More ›

Deeper Learning—for Teachers

This article discusses project-based learning for teacher professional development. It details the PD project conducted by teachers and coaching teams at Puxi Middle School in Shanghai, China. Together they worked to develop a shared curriculum and better align content with standards. The author shares how they developed protocols to improve units, projects, and performance tasks in their… Read More ›

Personalized Learning in Practice: How a Risk-Taker Tailored Learning in Her District

This in-depth article, from EdWeek’s Leaders to Learn from series, features Patricia Deklotz, superintendent of the Kettle Moraine School District in Wales, WI. Over 17 months, Deklotz and a task force of 25 educators transformed the small district of 4,100 students to a personalized learning model. The article shares the process of this transformation, including what motivated her… Read More ›

Student Voice in Practice: Burlington High School Help Desk

The Burlington High School (BHS) Help Desk is the heart of the school’s Student Technology Innovation and Integration course. The semester-long course open to students in grades 10-12, provides a hands-on study of technology integration in an educational context. Students are required to assess technology problems submitted by fellow students and teachers and define the… Read More ›

What’s the Deal with Proficiency Based Learning?

This whiteboard presentation gives an excellent overview of proficiency-based learning for students, narrated by students. It outlines key reasons students should be excited about proficiency-based learning. The student narrators describe the benefits of a more accurate assessment system which recognizes failure as a step in the learning process, a personalized approach, and the ability to… Read More ›

Flexible Pathways to Graduation: Six Vermont High School Students

This video, created by UP for Learning as part of their Communicating School Redesign efforts (partnering with Ned),  features six Vermont high school students describing how they have used multiple pathways to personalize and direct their own learning. The students in the video are using a combination of community/work-based learning, virtual and blended learning, dual enrollment, early… Read More ›

Competency Education and Personalized Learning

This short video produced by KnowledgeWorks provides an introduction to the concepts and need for competency-based learning. The video discusses students’ learning differences and shows the potentially negative impact of the traditional system in which students can advance from grade to grade without mastering all the foundational skills they will need for the next grade… Read More ›

Civic Engagement in the Digital Age

This video introduces Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age, a partnership between Civic Engagement Research Group, the National Writing Project, and Oakland Unified School District, to bring more civic engagement opportunities to all youth in Oakland, California. The project supports teachers as well as educating the community about the importance of civic engagement. Through… Read More ›

Most Likely To Succeed Videos and Prompts

The film Most Likely To Succeed (MLTS) has been used by many communities as a catalyst for discussion about the future of education in their community. After receiving ideas and feedback from viewers, the developers have used clips from the film to create a series of prompts to help school communities delve further into the… Read More ›

How Can Schools Prioritize For The Best Ways Kids Learn?

This video and corresponding article from the former English teacher Will Richardson’s presentation at the 2016 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is on the need to match our beliefs and the research about how kids learn best with the reality of teaching and learning practices. Mr. Richardson looks to the types of learning students do… Read More ›

Why is Student Voice Important in Education? (Video)

This short video produced by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation discusses the importance of including student voice in all aspects of the education they are consuming. In this dynamic video students, teachers, and administrators share their views on making education more personal, relevant, and engaging. For the general public this video is an excellent promotion for… Read More ›

Community Engagement and Student-Centered Learning

This video, which is a part of the Community Engagement series by Nellie Mae Education Foundation, discusses the many reasons why community engagement is so vital to successful student-centered learning. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation