Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed

This Competency Works publication offers equity strategies for personalized, competency-based education to ensure a more equitable K-12 education system. Competency-based education systems, designed to ensure all students achieve success, hold promise as a uniquely powerful model for fostering equity, but only if equity is an intentional design feature embedded in the culture, structure and pedagogy.… Read More ›

Visioning Toolkit: Laying the Groundwork for a Community-Wide Vision for Personalized Learning

This toolkit was designed to help districts include the larger learning community in the development of a vision for personalized learning. It can help district’s take the first, important step of crafting and sustaining a community-wide vision for personalized, competency-based learning. In particular it includes: Guidance on crafting a system-wide vision for personalized learning, incorporating diverse stakeholder… Read More ›

Separating the Facts from the Myths in the Competency-Based High School Transcript

This article discusses many misconceptions about competency-based transcripts. As more schools and districts move towards mastery-based assessment systems, transcripts must capture student learning in a fuller way. However, many families, students, and members of the community have concerns that these new transcripts will be hard to read or hurt students’ chances of getting into college.… Read More ›

2018 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership – Champions for Equity

The 2018 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership will offer a chance to learn from and celebrate educators who are leading the charge to ensure that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged. Participants in this conference can get the knowledge and tools to create an effective, supportive, and engaging learning environment for all… Read More ›

MIT Connected Learning Summit

The Connected Learning Summit is a conference that aims to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful, and creative learning. This conference has a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and catalytic innovation. The event will bring together leading researchers, educators and developers. The program includes… Read More ›

Guiding Meaningful Math Conversations

This webinar offers practical, classroom-tested suggestions for creating a vibrant learning community in which students hone their thinking skills, increase their mathematical understanding, develop the sense of being a part of a mathematical community, and gain confidence in collaboratively exploring mathematical ideas with their peers as they talk about their mathematical thinking. The webinar will… Read More ›

Case Study: Lindsay High School Transforms Learning for English Language Learners with Personalized, Competency-Based Education in California

This article features Lindsay High School, which implemented a competency-based education model that focuses on advancing student mastery and student agency. In addition, this resource contains the links to a series of blogs that highlight different promising practices for teaching and learning for ELLs. Each case study addresses core principles for next-generation learning for ELL… Read More ›

The 5th (C) of 21st Century Skills? Try Computational Thinking (Not Coding)

This article was originally posted in EdSurge on February 25, 2018. For better or worse, computing is pervasive, changing how and where people work, collaborate, communicate, shop, eat, travel, learn and quite simply, live. From the arts to sciences and politics, no field has been untouched. The last decade has also seen the rise of disciplines… Read More ›

Project-Based Learning with Agile Project Management

In this live session, participants will be able to learn more about how they can use Agile Project Management to make project-based learning even more powerful for students. Agile Project Management is a strategy widely used by modern businesses across the STEAM sectors. The Agile approach places a high value on individuals, collaboration, and the ability… Read More ›

Envisioning the Graduate of the Future

This course was developed by MIT with support from the XQ Institute, to help school communities rethink what a high school graduate will need to know and be able to do. The course will explore how to design a graduate profile, the artifact that communicates these ideas. Making explicit the capabilities, knowledge, and attitudes graduates need and… Read More ›

Satellite Podcast

Sat·el·lite /sadlˌīt/ noun An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication. ASTRONOMY. A celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet. Orbiting from on-site locations, Satellite examines innovative educational perspectives. Dr. Frank LaBanca, principal of Westside Middle School Academy and Students at… Read More ›