Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed

This Competency Works publication offers equity strategies for personalized, competency-based education to ensure a more equitable K-12 education system. Competency-based education systems, designed to ensure all students achieve success, hold promise as a uniquely powerful model for fostering equity, but only if equity is an intentional design feature embedded in the culture, structure and pedagogy.… Read More ›

360 Story Lab

The Digital Promise Global’s 360° Story Lab supports young people to produce 360° media on topics that affect their communities. Virtual Reality technology can be used to expose students to many new perspectives, experiences, and places. Students can also learn to be creators not just consumers of this technology. Through experiential storytelling and immersive technologies,… Read More ›

Allowing Students to Design Assessment Tools

As an educator, one would think that the point of every assessment would be clear to students. But if you are anything like me, sometimes we get so wrapped up in designing and creating the tools for students to use on the assessment (or in some cases, even the assessment itself), that we forget to… Read More ›

5 Steps to Guarantee Your PD for PBL is on Point

This article examines ways to ensure professional development to support project-based learning (PBL) is effective. The author provides tips to provide teachers opportunities for professional development that is learner focused, engaging, and embedded in day-to-day practice. The advice is based on the work of the Buck Institute for Education, a leader in PBL. This short article… Read More ›

11 Ways Schools Can—and Should—Involve Families in SEL Programming

This resource shares ways in which schools can get families involved to make the most of Social Emotional Learning programs in schools. By inviting families and educators to work together, schools can engage families in the social-emotional development of students and build on a school-wide SEL program to aid children through their day. These easy… Read More ›

Bilingualism as a Life Experience

This article shares a general overview of the cognitive effects of speaking two languages and what that entails in the school settings. In addition, it covers the latest benefits and updates to research on bilingualism from researcher Gigi Luk and her lab the Brain.Experience.Education Lab (B.E.E. Lab). Some of the benefits of bilingual students that… Read More ›

Separating the Facts from the Myths in the Competency-Based High School Transcript

This article discusses many misconceptions about competency-based transcripts. As more schools and districts move towards mastery-based assessment systems, transcripts must capture student learning in a fuller way. However, many families, students, and members of the community have concerns that these new transcripts will be hard to read or hurt students’ chances of getting into college.… Read More ›

Let Teens Lead in Makerspaces

This article shares ideas and techniques to let students take ownership of a school’s makerspace in order to develop engagement and personalized learning in a library setting. Letting teens take charge of how they use the materials and the space will change the role of the educator, or librarian to become a guide to help students take… Read More ›

Student-Centered Planning

This article explores the importance of planning instruction tailored to students’ needs and interests. The author asserts that learners’ involvement begins with how inviting the lesson appears to them. This is influenced by their: readiness, interests, and learning preferences. When planning a lesson, teachers should considers all of these and make sure the lesson appeals to,… Read More ›

Equity by Design in Learning Technologies

This report looks at equity in access to and application of new technologies that support learning. The report is a synthesis of in-depth conversations at a convening of leading researchers, educators, and technologists. It outlines the challenges and explores how learning technologies can provide the greatest benefits for the most vulnerable learners. This podcast provides… Read More ›

Student-Led Conferences

This two-page overview of student-led conferences was created by Share Your Learning, an organization dedicated to helping teachers create opportunities for students to present their learning to the public. One such opportunity, student-led conferences, encourage student ownership and engagement, increase family involvement and promote equity. The overview includes detailed steps on how to prepare students,… Read More ›