Goodbye ABCs: How One State is Moving Beyond Grade Levels and Graded Assessments

This article explores the No Grades, No Grades (NG2) program in New Hampshire, where seven elementary schools are participating in a pilot, slowly moving away from both traditional age-based grouping of students into grades and assessment based on letter grades. Instead the schools are embracing the following 6 tenets: project-based learning, learner agency, whole person development, blended learning… Read More ›

Student-Focused Learning in Springdale, Arkansas

This four-part blog series from CompetencyWorks, explores the exemplary student-centered work in the Springdale School District, in Arkansas. The articles explore innovations happening in the district, and many lessons, challenges, and learnings that might inspire other district and school leaders and educators. The final blog of the series provides a student perspective. Using student’s own words,… Read More ›

The MyWays Initiative

MyWays is an initiative of Next Generation Learning Challenge (NGLC). It is an effort to synthesize a broader, deeper definition of student success: success for learning, working, and living in the fast-changing world facing today’s youth. The initiative seeks to help school communities address big questions in education today by: Fully understanding why a changing world requires reimagining… Read More ›

Student Voices from Revere High School

These three videos feature students from Revere High School in Massachusetts. Each student discusses the impact a student-centered learning environment has had on their experiences and dreams for the future. These short videos could be used to build community support for a shift to student-centered learning. Source Organization: Imaj Associates

Innovative Engagement Strategies for ELA and Humanities

This resource pulls together the work of John Hardison, an interactive facilitator of learning and blended learning specialist at East Hall High School (Studio 113 & EPiCC) in Gainesville, Georgia. Hardison, a veteran teacher of English Language Arts (ELA) and the humanities, focuses on creativity, interactive structures, and student choice to bring literature to life.  The first… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Building Agency and Engagement

This video from the Edutopia Schools That Work series shows student-centered learning at work at Maloney High School in Meriden Public Schools in CT.  Teachers discuss their role as facilitators and detail how student-centered learning tactics are used in their classrooms. These include: Collaborative group work Student choice Inquiry-based activities Authentic tasks Powerful images and voices of… Read More ›

Blended Learning and Expanded Learning Time at Morton Middle School

This video, features interviews with students, teachers, and administrators from Morton Middle School in Fall River, MA discussing blended learning and an extended learning day. The video illustrates in-depth how math and ELA teacher teams have implemented a blended learning model, using station rotation and flexible grouping, within a 90 minute class period. Students discuss how the blended learning class has impacted… Read More ›

Digital Literacy Resource Platform

This website, designed by Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, hosts tools that explore four main areas of digital life: privacy, safety, information quality, and creative expression. This evolving collection of tools can help teachers guide students in navigating and making sense of the digital world through various mediums. For instance, the platform… Read More ›

Technology in Education: An Overview

This brief from Education Week provides an overview of the big trends, opportunities, and concerns associated with classroom technology. As technology is used more and more to support learning, the list of trends to follows continues to grow. Topics covered include: Personal and blended learning The evolution of online testing Open education resources Digital resources in… Read More ›

Socratic Seminars: Building a Culture of Student-Led Discussion

This resource focuses on increasing student-led discussions in the classroom, using the Socratic seminar style. Student-led discussions can be a critical tool to improve reflection, critical thinking, and classroom community. The article details: How to plan a seminar How to implement your seminar The follow-up and assessment process With easy clear steps to follow, this article… Read More ›

What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Voice

UP for Learning podcast features Vermont students discussing the importance of personalized learning and partnering with adults in school redesign. The podcast explains the 2013 legislation Act 77 in Vermont which was passed to create “flexible pathways” toward graduation to promote student ownership and engagement. Students discuss the impressive projects and courses they can now… Read More ›